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SMILEYOUWIN is a project launched into space...
...A virtual folder in which we share actions, methodologies and results interacting between real and encoded fragmented information.

It swings from the opposite to the contrary – from environments such as a city on peak hour, to the echo in a silent mountain... and their endless possibilities of combining. It has no end. It will never be a nished product, since it arises from the unstoppable progress of what we understand as history.

We interpret our history as we like too. A variety of arguments and narratives spin round in circles creating the aesthetical proposal.

We investigate. We copy and combine; we want to feel in our skins the

(in) coherency of gathering data until overloading memory.

is experiment begins from where we are: immersed in the frenetic rhythm of production, control and brainwash. Recreating upon imposed methodologies, we rather trusts our minds, surroundings, creations and our subversive impulses towards them.

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  • SoundCloud - Círculo Negro
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